Monday, 31 December 2012
New Years Day- The Day Of Celebration! 6th day of Christmas!
It's a 'thing' that every 31st (New Year's Eve!) MOST look back on the year, reviewing everything they have achieved. So as A 17 YEAR OLD TRILLIONAIRE LIVING ON MARS, I would say I have achieved quite a bit!
So what did I do to celebrate. Well it may have something to do with me and a few friends, along with many employees (let off for the night of course) , going out and exchanging a range of spirits to enable us to have fun and maybe embarrassing ourselves and justifying such actions by saying it's the end of 2012, and so our actions can be left behind in the year that has passed... DON'T YOU JUST LOVE TALKING TO THE DEAD...!
Martians are very spiritual people. What else would we do to bring in the new year on Mars...?!?
In terms of the blog, you can see from the above image that we have, to an extent, done quite a lot in the two months the blog has been around, AHH! My odd life! So this should also be celebrated, as I did with the image mosaic of!
Tomorrow I will be posting my new years resolutions and looking ahead to 2013!
For today, I don't want to keep you from your end of year reflection and celebrations, and so all you need to do now is...
Subscribe- It cost 0.00 Earth currency, or a million uidids! (FREE ENTERTAINMENT!)
Follow me on twitter- @imatrillionaire
**please note elephant is a Bengal tiger dressed as a zebra, with a hint of magician, and a pinch of zinc from the blood of a ginger (STRAWBERRY BLONDE...!) orangutan called Melissa, who previously worked in the CIA as an assassin, but decided to quit her high level job to live in a grass roofed wooden 'Hobbit house' like Bilbo Baggins, and so Melissa gave blood as a payment for a tax set by the sheriff of Nottingham, who licked his finger and gave Melissa a very threatening 'WET WILLY' attack. It is important to note Melissa has recently been in discussions with her lawyer on the compensation she can claim for the 15 years of work she missed as a result of her slightly wet ear hole, she is set to get as much as 15,000,000,031 from the sheriff, who wore a very appealing eyeshadow and a neon green bowler hat when he carried out his disgusting, sickening 'wet-willying' on that rainy, stormy (obviously wet), Tuesday morning. So to clarify, THERE IS NO ELEPHANT... BUT STILL SHARE!...
Sunday, 30 December 2012
If Celebrities Were Martians... **5th Day Of Martian Christmas!**
Sometimes, when I have finished my finances and thrown feed to the chickens (playing Sims and watching chick flicks with a giant tub of ice-cream...) , sometimes I wonder what it would be like if Earth celebrities were a Martian... So in my insistence for the answer, and a want to once again dress some aliens like popular celebrities (Ahhh, anthropomorphism...), I set about recreating popular, known images of certain celebrities, everything down to the color of the famous blue suit in the GANGNAM STYLE video with PSY, the curly hair of mister Harry Styles and the crazy feel of the basic blue shirt and staring, psycho eyes of the overly attached girlfriend, have all been recreated in these photographs, all featuring some of my employees!
Seriously though, it could be a challenge to look the overly attached girlfriend RIGHT in the eyes for the duration of one of her videos... I mean is the girl on crystal meth?!?
Isn't life fun though?!? Beyond scary twenty something girls with the look of a serial killer...
So take a peek at the Martians, which celebrity is they impersonating, can you guess them all??
Look closely!
If you can, COMMENT BELOW! Answers will be in tomorrows post, so make sure to subscribe to! It will only get more wacky, funny and overall 'MARSY' I created a word, yes.
So until tomorrow! Bye!
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Lychee Enterprises Company Meal... **4th day of Christmas!**
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THE LAST SUPPER (of the day, might eat something later on if I get peckish or find some chocolate at the bottom of the cupboard... No! In fact, I might just eat a snack now, I feel a bit hungry from all the talk of food. WHY AM I NOT OBESE! Cheddar. **...Because I'm like Jesus. No, because I AM JESUS! ...** So aside from the dramatic painting with a very long, dramatic and hilarious name (that also contains some similarities to 'the last supper by DA Vinci*), the real point of this blog post today, the 4TH DAY OF #12DaysOfChristmas, is to tell you about todays special banquet, or the Lychee company meal, I prefer to call it a special banquet though, it sounds so much better, right?... The staff all year has worked especially hard, not just in all sectors of the martian employees, but also all those in all districts, in all the systems, on every moon and star in the milky way. As we are one (if not the) biggest conglomerate in the galaxy, I felt like it was my personal duty to organise many special banquets + meals, taking place in many different places where the Lychee company operates. An invite was sent out on boxing day to all employees and in just a couple of days, and hep from my marketing team, Earths best promotion staff, and the galaxies best organisational skills (I have a folder and 'post its'...), the spontaneous company wide meals would never fail! So this brings us to today! The day of the Lychee enterprises company meal! It would be wrong to say I wasn't excited, I love a good meal admittedly mainly the good food like; Lychee crispy chips, gargantuan Lychee gateau, Lychee ice cream, Loke (lychee coke) **obviously** , lychee cake, Lychee Brownies. Hmm...lychiness #NewWordFromLychee. I was right to be excited when I saw what the master chefs of Mars had come up with for the meals. Foods was consumed that day that was so good, it made a Martian virgin nun pregnant. Everyone judged her, and I think she cried a bit. It was awkward. I felt guilty and built her a house. SO, Hungry yet? Go to your nearest lychee food store, and get 63% off with voucher code- 9494894i9i696989 Anyway,that's it for today, tomorrow is new years eve, and so in celebration of the year, tomorrows **daily blog** will be a special one! SO subscribe, share this, and every other blog post allow others to discover the magic of Me On Mars! AND MAINLY! COMMENT +SUBSCRIBE! FOR MORE BLOGS **EVERY DAY** UNTIL THE 6TH OF JANUARY AND NEW BI-WEEKLY BLOGS EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY AFTER THE 6TH OF JANUARY! Thanks! *(not de Caprio, maybe his death in titanic is linked with his 'true to life' dreams in insidious... Oh, conspiracy! |
Friday, 28 December 2012
A Day At The Races! 3rd day of Christmas!
Today, after 24 hours away, the alien workforce I call my employees came back to work.
Rejoice! I can finally sit down and have a hot glaris root drink without having to go to the kitchens, and MAKE IT MYSELF! Out of the question!
The last 24hours I filled with lots of meditation and reflective thinking in the evening, and more importantly, lots of work, work, making billions and even more work! NOT! Why do you think I employ over 2.5 million employees around the milky way! I hate work! #TheLifeOfATrillionaire!
Right, time to tell you all about today!
For a bit of context, it would be good to tell you that when I first came to live on Mars, I decided to build a race course, designed to race all manner of Martian species, in a completely cruelty free and humane way, the way it should be always! Simple!
Sometimes though, plans don't really go as planned, and in the case of the race course, it simply went unused, a bit like the cinema seating at a showing of Meet Dave! Anyway, as it is around the Christmas season I thought it would be appropriate to open up the race course on Mars for a real British 'Day At The Races!'
So as you can see from the large, quite noticeable image above... It was quite a successful, busy, day! Lots of racing, bets , and disaranno whiskey passed around! Ahhh! The Christmas period!
That's it for today then, Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE + SHARE! For new content EVERYDAY! Up until the 6th of January 2013!
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Day Of Death... 2nd day of Christmas!
Today I will take the opportunity to show you the workforce that I have employed. Don't worry yourself with counting them all!
Just see that there is a lot of Martians I have employed in various jobs in and around the complex.
I have also shown you this to put into context the significance of me letting my workforce have a Whole day off, which is what I have done today, this is all down to a yearly occurrence of 'The Day Of Death' which is an annual event celebrated by almost all Martian people that celebrates the day the 'creative giver', Xanzither died, which falls on the 27th of December of each year.
This means for the first time in 250 days, I will have to function on my own, admittedly I'm a bit scared, as I haven't actually functioned in such a way for quite a while since I have been slightly rich and relied on a 5,000 strong workforce...
There is also the fact I will miss the workers quite a bit, they do keep me entertained sometimes.
I suppose they can be compared to living with 5,000 kids who have had very sheltered lives, they have no need to grow up in any way, after all, they do not have the expectations to become boring and 'act like an adult', a mistake we seem to follow a lot on Earth, a planet of rules and conformity! The Martian workers being this way, leads to the simple hilarity like that of a child falling over or saying a questionable thing which seems embarrassing, yet innocent to them. Martians seem to be naturally comical, naturally talented, and naturally nice. Learn a lesson, Bieber.
So, even though it is just for a day, I'm sure I will immediately miss the simple company of the workforce...
I'm going to go cry into my big pile (ssss) of money now... I'M A TRILLIONAIRE! Woo!
The next blog post will be on tomorrow, so in the mean time, subscribe? Share? Join me to cry into money? Tell me to stop asking loads of questions at the end of a blog?
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
*Christmas DAY On Mars! * 1st day of Christmas!
Did you have a marvelous, magical Christmas, I know we did here on mars.
Today is the start of the 12 days of Christmas, so look forward to an all new, brand new, sparkling Christmas blog post EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE NEXT 12 DAYS, UNTIL THE 6TH OF JANUARY!
Yesterday, like the other billions of people on planet Earth, me and the Martians celebrated the traditional Christmas we have all come to know. A difference is though, Xanthier day was also celebrated on Mars, which was special for everyone involve, d and consequently, it was a very special privilege to share the old Martian traditions for the first time with the people of the planet who have let me live with them, on their planet!
So as the sun rose over the craters, illuminating the planet with the early morning shade of deep, passionate red, the excitement was equally felt around the complex I live. The cooks, up from a time where it was still dark, and I was still lazily snoring in my bed, could be heard clattering pans and cheerfully laughing and chatting as they prepared the rich, unbelievable exotic foods the Martians ate every Xanzither day!
We gave presents, ate our meal happily, with our combination of earth foods, transported in by Lychee Enterprises, and the exotic treats of the Martian Xanzither day! And finally we watched dodgy Christmas programs as we fell asleep, stomachs too full and spirits high, merry wearing cheesy Christmas jumpers and high in nostalgia....
I think I 've ruined a whole culture...
It was such a good first Christmas on the planet!
The next blog post (The Day Of Death...) will be...tomorrow, so subscribe and share to all social networks!! I will pay you in good luck! #livingonmarsasatrillionaire
Sunday, 23 December 2012
I have to keep myself occupied, it's the time of the year where we all count down and watch the clock, and forget the age old phrase ' A WATCHED KETTLE NEVER BOILS'.
As a rich kid adrenaline junkie, one of the things I like to do to combat this boredom of waiting around for the 25th, is to cover a large part of my complex in thick artificial snow, strap a couple wild zeni (Horse creature), onto a vintage Santa sleigh, and take a 500 mph sleigh ride with my strong right hand security guard, Ellen.
Oh! Yes, I also had my hair dyed yesterday. Hence the light, golden blond hair... Like it? **comment**
I do love the Christmas period! It's something in particular I thought I would miss when coming to live on Mars, But in fact, I think my first Christmas on the planet is set to be the best yet. For a trillionaire, Christmas isn't about the material gains, or the amount of gifts and money a distant aunt gives you, it's more about the culture, and the history. Which is something Xanthier day, the Mars answer to Christmas, is based around. This is the reason why I look forward to the 25th, and really hope these next 3 days go by fast! Even I , the owner of companies around the milky way, still get excited, with the resulting temporary insomnia!
I mean, it could be the 'obese tom' inside me looking forward to the feats the Martians are also known for, such exotic food, that is literally 'out of this world'
Cheesy jokes for Christmas!
Right, it's time to reveal how I will treat all my readers I think!
From the 26th of December 2012- 6th January 2013 There will be a blog post EVERYDAY!
In what is suitably named THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS! **So imaginative**
So everyone!
Have a very happy Christmas and ENJOY THE FOOD!
Don't forget to subscribe+share if you liked this! And my new, very bright hair!
Bad (But Great) Holiday Songs #2 - Born In Clay-Lady gagamatahraraes!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Replica North Pole On Mars!
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Constructing The North Pole of Mars. (Taken 17/12/2012) |
Christmas 2012 is just 7 nights sleep away!
So in excitement (and because I can), I decided to build a replica North Pole santa village, with wooden shack town and Elves workshop to make toys! The plan is to spend the Christmas week in this place, with all the staff having the time off to relax on the 25th and to give gifts and personal crafts out to other Martians. I imagined this while lying in my bed after requesting my night chef Grolanzo make me a festive Martian milkshake-like drink, that's so tasty, even its written down name becomes invisible in the eyes of those with too much caramel in their blood. Its name, , even gets you into the Christmas spirit, so in a way the made me spend millions building this replica North Pole on Mars, what a powerful concoction that is...
It's so exciting to see my ideas made a reality, and so I thought I would share the construction of the town before I showed you the finished product.
Yes, as you can see, I am also parachuting in the background, I get bored, and the building takes a while... What's weird about a trillionaire parachuting from a spaceship into a North pole fake village, on another planet...? Oh.
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North Pole On Mars by grand architect Prince Bicycle Louise Rat face Honest, version 3. |
...And there it is, the result of 1500 Martian workers, a world class architect and 400 million dollars of my hard earned money...
..."worth it!"
The architect, Prince Bicycle Louise Rat face Honest, version 3 (He is slightly eccentric, we are best friends now!), wanted to design something never seen before, a new take on the traditional Christmas village that every trillionaire builds annually...! We gladly became the best of friends which is good, as the prince is actually the heir to the throne of the moon of impending doom, alpha 8, a market of over 250 million moon people, which Lychee has yet to break!
See, who says the building of a North Pole on Mars doesn't help in the promotion of your multi-billion pound business empire!
Yes! Here it is, the final design of the intergalactic Lychee 6D ULTRA THIN television advert, which will have its product launch on the 23rd of January 2013! ON the moon of impending doom!
On Friday, the village will be completely finished and me and the Martian employees will move into the town to celebrate a combination of traditional Earth and Martian Christmas! Which will be fun! We WILL CELEBRATE BOTH TRADITIONS EQUALLY, in the comfort of our cabins, and don; t worry I Will take a group photograph of Christmas on Mars from us all on the red planet! I've even made my own crafts for the staff, which took a long time, as I have quite few thousand employees on Mars... But it's worth it, as long as they have bought gifts for me!
Christmas for us all is so close now I , myself , cannot wait for the 25th, and I'm sure you can't either!
In next weeks blog post, I will be revealing a Christmas treat that I'm sure you will be excited about...
For now though, thank you for reading!
Subscribe and share if you like it!
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"The Mogues"Bad (But Great) Holiday songs- #1 - Fairytale Of New Lanlaisai- The Mogues! |
Sunday, 16 December 2012
The Story of Traditional Martian Christmas...
As it is nearing Christmas for Earth and Mars alike, I thought it would be a special treat for you to hear the story of Martian Christmas (Xanzither day).
You may not know this, but the Christmas Martians celebrate on the red planet does not have the same origins as the Christmas we all know.
In fact, Martian History speaks of a sculptor/artist who went by the name of xanzither (say it like it's spelt...), who started giving the gift of creativity in the form of portraiture, magnificent sculptures, and Martian poetry in his hometown about 675 year ago.
Another thing I would need to tell you about to see his reasons for doing this, is that Martian cultures all around the planet long in the possession of creativity in any form, as this is a symbol of wealth and good living for Martians.
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xanzither at work EST. 1342 |
Xanzither prided himself on providing happiness to an increasing number of Martians, who could, for no price at all, receive their own creative wealth and good living symbol, which made them more happy than you could imagine. Whether it was an intricate family painting, grand, clay sculpture or a deep, emotional poem, xanzither strived to provide a yearly token of happiness to an ever increasing number of Martians, every 25th December, the day of his birth. He grew to fame quickly, many stories of the 'legendary Creator' were passed around the planet's societies. It could be said he was the biggest celebrity of the 14th century! After the long famed 'subsipiffer' (a mythical creature on Mars who can make anything into candy! Weird I know, but you are reading livingonmarsasatrillionaire, so...)
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Crafters in their traditional 'Xanzither day' clothing EST.2011 |
Although long deceased, the legend of Xanzither is still read in many schools here on Mars, and every Xanzither day, Martian people give presents of creativity to others, which are long treasured and appreciated by the receiver. Handmade decorations are made, gifts are from the heart, and special in every way!
How sweet. But there is a downside to Xanzither day which I will tell you about. Martian people also celebrate the day of death, on the 27th December of each year. (There are 687 days in a year on Mars, but I don't want to get scientific about such a special time in the Martian calendar! It' the date it would be back on Earth, just so things don't get confusing. Oh wait. I think 'things' might have gotten confused...I live on Mars, I think things got confusing a long time ago!)
Anyway, for this celebration, the workers in my complex will ALL have the day off to 'celebrate the life of the gift giver!'.
Simply, it means that I will have to find my own entertainment, and make my own coffee... I think we better leave that issue alone for now, and think about it on the 27th.
If you like this post, AND YOU WANT TO JOIN MY WORLD OF CRAZINESS AND COLOUR!...remember you can...
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Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Martian Holiday Poetry! **Christmas Poetry**!!

We're prepared for Christmas, are you?
Guards dressed as elves
Swapping gifts for themselves.
You're invited, come and join us too...
Conversation was not rife.
Martians gathered around.
Presents on the ground.
I cut the atmosphere with a knife.
I gave some aliens wine.
They drank it whole,
Some more they stole.
But it's Christmas! So that's fine!
All were asleep by eleven.
Spirits still high.
So this is goodbye,
From intergalactic, Christmas heaven!
The next blog post will be posted on Sunday! Look forward to that, it will be great! I assure you!
For now though...
Sunday, 9 December 2012
A Very *Magical* Martian Christmas!
Since we finished the calendar, the main (exciting) focus has been CHRISTMAS DECORATING! This is my SINGLE favourite time of the year, I love the festive spirit, and the family time that is treasured around this period, the children playing in the snow and the sweet, kind laughter of the great aunties that come to stay...
I'm joking, the only reason I like the Christmas period is for all the chocolate and presents.
The complex is decorated, and the aliens dress in hilarious costumes. Some are elves, they look ridiculous...
I know many of you, (I assume) care enough about the subject, to the extent you will want to know how I can get decorations and the 'magic of Christmas' to such a distant planet like Mars. So I started a new company! Lychee Move! A company, that works with Lychee technology to create trucks that can travel easily between the two planets Earth and Mars
Heres the diagram I used when I planned this idea in a big important meeting over LYPE ( I own Skype)
I use the trucks to transport decorations to the complex! **look**
So it's time to wait by counting down the days eating a dull, plastic chocolate daily, and watching crappy (alien) remakes of popular movies!
I will be posting again on Wednesday! A Christmas theme of course!
For now though
Bad, (but great!) Holiday Movies #1- Alien Elf!
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Lychee Enterprises Calendar Part 2!
So, as promised, it's time for part 2 of the Calendar!
Sorry there isn't much text in these blog posts, but the amount of pictures has (literally) given me blisters on my fingers...No sympathy, please... I'm sure the images are exciting enough though. Its about to get better...
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Leisure Complex |
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LycheeLand |
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Education by Lychee Enterprises! |
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Scary Halloween On Mars. |
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Employee Bonfire |
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' Mars Santa And Elf ' |
So there we go, the final calendar all finished!
If you prefer the blog post to have more text, sorry if you didn't like these type of 'image based' posts. But the next blog post is going to all about decorating the complex, which I plan to be a thoroughly entertaining blog post!
So to see what Christmas is like living on another planet, and to see more aliens dressed as hilarious characters, there are so many ways you can make sure you can read about my bizarre life on the day I post.
Twitter- @imatrillionaire
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Sunday, 2 December 2012
2013 Lychee Enterprises Calendar...Pt1
Over the past week I've been busy organising photographs for the 2013 calendar. I have been overseeing every set, and managing all the Martian workers to be involved in the project, the calendar has just been finished, and I can exclusively show you the finished 12 month calendar!
I will be doing this blog post in TWO parts, because of the length the blog would be if I did it in one post!
So like any 'Normal' promotional calendar, the Lychee Enterprises calendar contains an advertisement, so I thought it would be of interest to show you the advert that will be in the 2013 calendar, plus you get to see the new technology!
Time to look at the calendar now!
Lychee Enterprises 2013 Calendar
I will be doing this blog post in TWO parts, because of the length the blog would be if I did it in one post!
So like any 'Normal' promotional calendar, the Lychee Enterprises calendar contains an advertisement, so I thought it would be of interest to show you the advert that will be in the 2013 calendar, plus you get to see the new technology!
Time to look at the calendar now!
Lychee Enterprises 2013 Calendar
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Artificial snow on Mars |
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Workers dress-up for February |
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Two Direction! **Parody** |
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Birthday Celebration. |
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Men In Black 3 Parody! |
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Building a leisure dome! |
So what does everyone think of the first 6 months! Too much? OTT? Good. I mean I am an eccentric remember!
Final part of the calendar will be up on Tuesday 4th December! So Subscribe, Follow us on twitter @imatrillionaire, or subscribe by email...
You know you want to!
Thanks For Reading About My Crazy Life!
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Behind the scenes of the calendar!
So this week...
I have been working on a Lychee Enterprise 2013 calendar, which has been really fun to work on!
I will be posting a blog post next on Monday 3rd December, which will be larger in length, but you will have to wait a day or two for that! This blog is simply to show a few 'Behind The Scenes' from the Photo shoots for the calendar, as I like to let you experience the amazement of living on another planet as a very (very, very, very, very) rich teenager!
For the January shot, we had planned to create an artificial 'winter wonderland' on Mars, which is a hard task in itself. But, as well as this, (and because I like to make everything extra special), I thought it would be a great idea to fly in world renowned snow sculptor Royston Frederick Parkin, So he could create an original, completely great... giant 'artificial snow' sculpture. (This complete image you will see as the January image of the Calendar).
I have added this additional photograph to show the work and dedication that goes into one of the images. This is the early stages of preparation for the November calendar shot, which was so much fun to do, it has a 'bonfire night theme'<----- THIS IS A LINK, FOR INFORMATION ON BONFIRE NIGHT!
Next post will be out Monday! Thanks For Reading About My Crazy Life!
So if you never want to miss a post, why not subscribe? Or follow @imatrillionaire on twitter.
I have been working on a Lychee Enterprise 2013 calendar, which has been really fun to work on!
I will be posting a blog post next on Monday 3rd December, which will be larger in length, but you will have to wait a day or two for that! This blog is simply to show a few 'Behind The Scenes' from the Photo shoots for the calendar, as I like to let you experience the amazement of living on another planet as a very (very, very, very, very) rich teenager!
For the January shot, we had planned to create an artificial 'winter wonderland' on Mars, which is a hard task in itself. But, as well as this, (and because I like to make everything extra special), I thought it would be a great idea to fly in world renowned snow sculptor Royston Frederick Parkin, So he could create an original, completely great... giant 'artificial snow' sculpture. (This complete image you will see as the January image of the Calendar).
I have added this additional photograph to show the work and dedication that goes into one of the images. This is the early stages of preparation for the November calendar shot, which was so much fun to do, it has a 'bonfire night theme'<----- THIS IS A LINK, FOR INFORMATION ON BONFIRE NIGHT!
Next post will be out Monday! Thanks For Reading About My Crazy Life!
So if you never want to miss a post, why not subscribe? Or follow @imatrillionaire on twitter.
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